about myself

i hail from the pacific north west. my hobbies are computers and music. i have a large collection of physical media. i'm a teen, so if you have any NSFW interest in interacting with me, please do not. otherwise, any age 13+ can interact with me. you can refer to me, the webmaster, as dusty. my pronouns are he/it.

if you end up finding my main identity online, that's fine. i won't deny being me lmao. in fact...

below are some forms of contact if you're interested:

email: rexstyler@stylrtechnologies.com

discord: renqueenston

slsk: cargopusher

about my character

he's only a side profile for now

dusty von dexter is a grey canine-lupine thing that wears some casually baggy clothes. i came up with him while trying to draw weird gabber guys. i thought 'haha what if i drew a gabber wolf' and when i finished the drawing, i was left looking at some weird guy staring back at me. something clicked, and i knew he had to become a character of important personal value to me.

he likes computers and music, he also likes their terrible aborted fetuschild computermusic.

although i came up with him while drawing gabbers, he does not wear 'gabber' fashon. he just wears baggy clothes since it's more comfortable and he likes how they feel most of the time.

he lives in the more cooler climate of western washington, which is why he can get away with warm baggy clothes all the time. he spends a lot of his waking hours either tinkering, riding his bike/hanging out outside, playing on his computer, listening to music or watching things. his sleeping schedule is somewhat consistant. he will wake 4-8 am, and sleep 9-12 pm. he's very picky about the food he eats. when serving himself, he will go for sweet foods or easy prepared meals. however, he will eat anything his housemates put on his plate.

he doesn't really have an age, however he is not meant to be a minor.